Integration Guide

How to integrate a payment with into a webshop

Development Tasks

🔗 Payment Button

On the checkout page you create a payment button/link to:$handle?amount=..&currency=..&memo=..

  • $handle is your link

  • amount is the amount of the payment in the minor denomination of the currency

  • currency to indicate the invoice currency

  • memo is your order/customer/cart ID, whatever you need to reconcile the payment

    (on stripe API it's called `client_reference_id`)

handle = "unicorn_socks" // your handle
amountInMinor = 500;     // for 5.00
invoiceCurrency = "USD"; // invoice currency, defaults to "USD"
memo = order.orderID;

queryParameters = "amount=${amountInMinor}&currency=${invoiceCurrency}&memo=${memo}";

<a href="${handle}?${queryParameters}" target="_blank">
  YODL Pay

✅ Success Redirect Page

When the checkout is completed and the payment is confirmed, redirects the user back to the success redirect page hosted on your webshop. This URL is configured in the account admin.

The SDK appends to the URL, as query parameters the chainId and txHash. So you can engage in post-processing of the payment (similar to the webhook). However as we cannot guarantee that the user really returns to your page, you should still implement webhooks for consistent processing.

⚙️ Webhook

The webhook is called by the backend when the payment was confirmed on-chain and when the payment is probabilistically final and unlikely to be reverted. The payload is minimal and only contains:

  • chainId

  • txHash

  • state of the blockchain transaction: confirmed or probabilistic

  1. The Webhook needs to query to retrieve the payment details: pmt

  2. With the retrieve pmt.memo lookup the order/cart/customer

  3. Verify in your code that the payment was not tampered with.

    Use Lookup and verify a payment against given parameters

  4. Mark payment as complete and do your post processing

💾 Environment Variables

YODL_API_KEY= # find in your admin

Flow and Sequence Diagram

Last updated